Saturday 10th - Thursday 15th May, 2025
The premier event on the Australian Stock Horse Society calendar, the ASHS National Show combines the prestigious feature events including the Marsh Carney Saddlery National Futurity Series and Rosebrook & Stan Bowd Saddlery national Maturity Series, plus a full show program, dressage and showjumping. Members from cross the country will congregate at AELEC for 6 days in May to showcase and celebrate the versatility of the Australian Stock Horse - The Breed for Every Need.
Competitor Information
Stabling $83 for the first 2 days, then $37.50 per night for subsequent days
Stable bond $45 per stable, fully refundable if stables are completely stripped of all bedding, baling twine, manure etc
Powered Camping $39 per night
Unpowered Camping $37.50 per night