Tamworth Regional Council ("Council") trading as the Australian Equine and Livestock Events Centre ("AELEC") is committed to a quality service and makes every attempt to ensure accuracy, currency and reliability of the information contained on its website. AELEC does not, however, give any warranty as to the accuracy of the information on its website. Similarly, the information on the website is of a general nature and AELEC does not warrant that the information is appropriate to any particular set of circumstances. AELEC and its employees and agents accept no liability of any description whatsoever for any loss or damage resulting from the use of any information obtained from the website or reliance on it.
Information transferred to or from this website may be intercepted or changed by another party.
It is the responsibility of the user to make their own assessment of the information and verify it with their own professional advisers or by direct communication with the AELEC.
Information for users with Disabilities
The AELEC will make every effort to ensure the web content is accessible and useable for all website visitors. This includes people with text-based browsers, people with slow (modem) connections, people without audio/visual capabilities, people with assistance applications and people with disabilities.
Images on our website are accompanied by alternative text describing graphics if your browser supports the alt-text function. Documents on our website are presented in many formats. These formats are generally accessible to users using screen reading software. Most files are posted as Adobe Acrobat PDF (Portable Document Format) files.
The accessibility and useability of information on this website is an evolving process. We hope to maintain the website with the latest research and guidelines in accessibility. We welcome your input and suggestions for improving access to our web content.
AELEC asserts copyright and all other intellectual property rights on this website. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the AELEC. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed in writing to:
Venue Manager
Australian Equine and Livestock Events Centre
PO Box 555
Tamworth NSW 2340
Third Party Websites
AELEC has no control over, nor will be held responsible for, the content available on any third party websites accessed from this site. This includes, but is not limited to, liability for any loss (whether in negligence, financial or otherwise) resulting from use of the information contained within third party websites. Council can not guarantee the privacy of persons using third party sites.
Updating Information
The AELEC reserves the right to change information on this website at any time, without notice. By viewing or downloading content from this site, you are agreeing to the statements on this page, and waive any legal action against AELEC with regards to information on this website.